dimecres, de maig 18, 2005

The blot

"Orlando, who had just dipped her pen in the ink, and was about to indite some reflection upon the eternity of all things, was much annoyed to be impeded by a blot, which spread and meandred round her pen. It was some infirmity of the quill, she supposed; it was split or dirty. She dipped it again. The blot increased. She tried to go on with what she was saying; no words came. Next she began to decorate the blot with wings and whiskers, till it became a round-headed monster, something between a bat and a wombat" (Orlando, Penguin, 1993 [1928], p. 163-64)

quill = ploma
blot = taca

En aquest punt de la novel·la, fa tres-cents anys que Orlando reescriu el seu poema inacabat. I avui que s'hi tornava a posar, torna a ensopegar amb una nova forma de bloqueig creatiu.
En llegir "The blot increased." vaig saber, tot d'una, que tres-cents dies després de donar-hi voltes havia arribat el moment d'inaugurar el meu blog.

La novel·la de Virginia Woolf és fabulosa. Orlando és sobretot un torrent verbal incontenible.